Monday, March 1, 2010

Queen of Wishful Thinking

Beeeeep. Beeeeep. Beeeeep.

The garbage truck backs up to pull in closer to the dumpster. I have a clear view of the men hopping out; shirtless (yuck!). They're making sure that the hinges are all tightened before walking to the side and pressing the button that lifts the dumpster.

Despite the crappy view of the alley behind my building, I've still insisted on putting my desk in front of the window. Who wants to write against a wall when there is a whole world outside waiting to be seen?

Luckily the stench from the dumpster hasn't wafted as high as my floor -- although, I'm sure on a really hot day that could all change. But on those days, I'll probably go to Starbucks and write.

I watch as the dumpster is turned on an angle and things start to clunk out. It sounds a bit like thunder. I start to think about that poor actress whose body parts were strewn across the city in various dumpsters -- and then about that scene in the beginning of Pretty Woman when Skinny Marie is found in a dumpster...


OK - there's no real need for a dumpster in The Best Christmas Movie ever written; so I file all those half baked trains of thought away for another day. But since I'm still on the Pretty Woman track I start to fantasize about Garry Marshall directing this movie once it's done...


The garbage truck pulls away a moment later. A few seconds after that I can hear the brakes squeak as it stops in front of other trash further down the alley.

I stare out my window a bit longer. If I really concentrate, I can sorta see the hint of an inclination in the horizon that I think are the Hollywood hills. I really don't have my bearings quite yet. But...I'm definitely going to check back at night to see if I can see the 'Hollywood' sign from here. How cool would that be?

Although, something tells me that you can't see the 'Hollywood' sign at night.

OK - back to the movie.

What would be a catastrophic opening? It has to be ironic -- like she was expecting a great thing to happen and then all her flippin' friends die.

Dum dee dum...

How would all her friends die at the same time? Plane crash? Is this chick a big success and she flies them out -- but then the plane crashes?

Is that even believable?

Train crash?

I wonder what Dina-Pina is up to? Maybe I'll go by the pool and run some ideas by her if she's around.

Or maybe you'll sit your ass right here until you get some work done!

I start to rearrange some of the photos I've put on the window ledge to block out the crappier view of the alley. If I skim over the tops of the frames; and squint just so...well, it's kinda suburban-ish. Not bad at all really.

The only thing the window ledge is missing is a green candle for financial good luck. It's got to be in a box around here somewhere. What about that one over there marked "misc" ~ maybe it's in there? I think the writing would go so much better with the candle on the ledge. I'd feel more settled.

I wonder what Garry Marshall is doing right at this moment; and if there are greater centrifugal forces at work in the Universe that will inevitably bring us together on this project? Or is that centripetal?

Pretty Woman was such a good movie...

Go West - King Of Wishful Thinking
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