The sun pours in through the bedroom window and nudges me awake; I've overslept.
I groggily wake up one limb at a time before taking that first 'fully awake' deep breath and open my eyes. My hair cascades around my pillows and shoulders; and in certain streaks it is copper -- fully luminescent from the sun's rays.
I am an image of pure perfection.
I smile, then rise; and catch a glimpse of Medusa staring back at me in the mirror.
Correction: I am not an image of pure perfection. But with coffee, a good shower, and makeup I can fool most.
I walk towards the kitchen while extending my arms behind me. A flock of bluebirds brings a silk robe towards me and a moment later I am dressed. Mice hand me my golden slippers, a duck hands me my coffee mug, whilst fairies struggle to manage the decanter without spilling a drop. A hedgehog waits diligently to the left with a mop in case they do spill.
I twirl and break out into song to which they all harmonize perfectly to. We extend into a choreographed dance about coffee and how wonderful mornings are, before I clap twice and dismiss them all.
I walk towards the front door to see if anyone is in the courtyard. I need to rhyme some ideas off of someone and Consuela is no where to be found.
I open the door. The sun hasn't quite reached my side of the building within the courtyard, so a chill strokes my right shoulder as I tighten my robe around me, and reach into the mailbox. I look towards the pool. On the opposite side, there is sun; and so Dina-Pina sits there reading a script and not noticing me.
There's an envelope from my agent, so I bring it back inside to read. It's a contract for the script. Standard. Sign here and here. A little sticky note suggesting a time we should get together this week. I skim it over really quickly to see how long they've given me to write the first draft...
...3 months.
Really? That seems like a long time. Maybe when I go in, I'll see if there's another project I can take on.
I leave the contract on the table, and head back to my bedroom to throw on my bikini, grab my sunblock, and head out to the pool.
* * *
"Hey!" I say loudly to Dina-Pina as I approach with a bag full of magazines that will happily keep us occupied for the next few hours.
She looks up from behind her white plastic sunglasses and gives me a big smile.
"Hey, yourself!" she says back.
I wonder if she doesn't know my name either?
I lay my towel on what can only be described as the most uncomfortable poolside chairs ever made -- hard white plastic from the 80s. Skin gets 3rd degree burns when making direct contact with it. Welts form on the backs of your thighs if you sit too long. I make sure my towel is covering most of the torturous surface before plunking down and applying sunblock.
"What a great day!" I say both to her and me.
"I never get sick of the weather," she says, and puts down her script. I ask her what she's reading and she tells me its for a lifetime movie of the week with Dean McDermott. She has a minor role as a neighbor. Well -- it's not her role yet, but we are both very optimistic.
"Positive thoughts!" I say exuberantly.
"Exactly," she says back. Her audition isn't until later on this afternoon, so we have plenty of time to chat and hang out. I like this new neighbor of mine. I haven't really seen any of the others just yet -- but I'm sure I will. Dina-Pina tells me that a lot of them are quiet and keep to themselves.
She asks me how my script is going -- I tell her I'm stuck on what type of job the main character has. I ask her if she thinks its believable that a really rich character would fly her friends in for something.
Dina-Pina crinkles her nose to that idea.
I knew it.
I start to wrack my brain about tragedies that could wipe out a whole bunch of people. Plane crash is out.
Bridge collapsing?
Dina-Pina doesn't think it's possible that all her friends would be on the same bridge at the same time.
A Terrorist bombing?
Too unbelievable.
I decide to take a dip in the pool; maybe the change in temperature will help channel my thoughts. I'm not too worried. I know I'll figure this out in the next day or so. And in the meantime, might as well enjoy the moment for what it is -- a nice lazy day by the pool, catching up on trashy magazines and flipping ahead to see what trends are coming down the pipe for the next season.
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