The hum from sensor light is deafening as we stumble through the rod iron gate into the courtyard. Everything is making me nautious - the sticky night heat, the reflection of the moon on the pool, the sound of Dina-Pina's kitten heels half-dragging as we cross the cement deck.
Why is that light so damn bright?
I squint and hold back some of the vomit that rises in my throat. Definitely drank too much.
We cross the shallow side of the pool and walk towards Dina-Pina's patio set. I need to sit down for a moment. I think I might throw up.
"Why aren't you answering my calls?" says a deep angry voice from within the shadows. It instantly startles me and makes me forget about my nausea. I don't like this voice. It has a sub frequency of control that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
He rises from one of the patio seats that is hidden in the shadows; and Dina-Pina instantly pulls in a little closer to me. She's scared.
"What are you doing here, Robert?" she says as sternly as she can. I'm silent for a moment. I don't know who this person is -- but I know it's bad news.
"You're not suppose to be here," she says. She sounds stern, but from where I'm standing I can see one of her eye muscles twitch. I know that she is under a lot of stress.
"You need to go." I say as soberly as I can. I have no idea who this guy is or what he wants, but if he doesn't leave soon -- I might just have to hurl on his shoes.
"MEEEEE-YAAAAA!" Consuela screeches from the top of the stairs in front of my apartment door. I ignore her.
"Where have you been?" he fumes and takes another step into the light. He's nice looking, but the anger bleeds out of his eyes; and I realize as I become a little more faint - that I'm having trouble breathing.
He continues to yell at Dina-Pina; and while the whirlwind of chaos ensues, I notice a green outline that hovers just above the bridge of his nose. When he turns his head, the outline stays put, and I notice the mist-like formation of a face that isn't his.
There's something living in Robert. Something I've never seen before.
I hear the frantic slapping of Consuela's dollar-store slippers hitting the cement steps as she races down the three flights of stairs from my apartment to where we are standing.
"MeeeeeeeeeeeeeYaaaaaaaaaa - don't yer go near him! Don't yer go near him!" she screams, and hustles her way towards the both of us; swiffer in hand.
I extend my left arm out and yell at her, "Stop!"
"What?" says Robert and turns his attention at me. A moment later the misty green face resumes its position inside his skull.
I think this is what we call the point of no return, so I go with it.
"Uh, you heard me asshole" I say.
He takes a step towards me. I see a misty-green muscular leg with a hoof step towards me a fraction of a second later, and resume it's position within his body.
Dina-Pina is trembling.
He's close enough that I can smell him now. I look deep within his eyes, and behind the blue colour that he's been given in the natural world, lay a very cold set of black eyes. I don't know what this enemy is.
"Robert! Please! Just go!" she pleads. Her lips are trembling now.
I take a short breath to help with the dizziness of the spins that have inconveniently decided to kick in, and say:
"In about two seconds Robert that door over there is going to open, and my sleep deprived trigger happy cop of a boyfriend is going to take about three seconds to assess this situation, and blow your fucking brains out. So - if I were you, I would GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW!"
Robert stands there for a second. And, since I have nothing to lose I yell for Brad.
"Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad! Heelllllllllllllp!" I scream and it echoes off of the walls in the building. Some lights begin to turn on, and a second later Robert begrudgingly retreats. I see a green tail swaying behind him as he hustles through the rod iron gate and exits the courtyard.
"I'm calling the cops!" Dina-Pina screams after him.
And while she dials the police, I crawl over to the bushes and throw up. When I'm done, I roll over and try to allow the coolness of the pavement to offer me some comfort. And in a weird way, it sort of does.