The birds chirp in the distance. I can feel the sun on my toes as I lay on a lounger on the dock near the lake. I've brought my hoody down in case a cool breeze passes by, but so far only warm winds tumble past over the water.
I watch the reflection of the sun bounce off the lake. When I was younger I used to imagine Pixies dancing in the ripples that create sunbursts when the rays give way to the sun's wrinkled reflection. I stare for a moment and eventually get lost in thought...
A moment later I turn back to my computer screen. The bubbles bounce slowly over the empty page. I've chosen bubbles as my screensaver. I have no idea why.
I start to think about how I want to continue the next scene. Everything's changed now. There's no way that I can write the same movie I started before all that happened. My mind was ripped open, flat lined, and is slowly refragmenting. The blood in the vessels flows differently now. There is no way that my brain could create the same thought processes; nor would I want it to.
I listen to the water quietly lap against the support beams under the dock. I'm trying to recalibrate the direction I need to go in. My character is forever changed. She's no longer this vapid puppet. Now she's infused with all the passion and potential that I believed Deandra could be. My character is now an ode to a dear friend.
A friend who believed in dreams, enjoying life's simple pleasures; and the importance of cherishing the people that mean something to you. Writing her voice won't be an issue. Making it worthy enough to carry her voice will.
I readjust in the lounger and watch the leaves ripple as the wind somersaults past the both of us. It's a beautiful day. In the distance I can hear what sounds like the staff at the resort setting up the outdoor furniture. The season officially opens this week. Aunt Nancy has talked about throwing a grand opening party -- fireworks and all.
I think that will be nice; for both the staff and the guests.
I touch the cursor pad, and the bubbles disappear. I'm now staring at a blank page. The words I choose are important. I want there to be a message that everyone, everywhere, can benefit from. Something that makes us all grateful to be alive and thankful for the blessings that we have.
A lot of people aren't connected to the actuality of their present. And, in doing so, they've robbed themselves of the true kinetic potential that life and all it's vibrancy has to offer.
Somehow, I need to have this message infused throughout the story. I want people to get it. I want to make the world a better place -- and I want this movie to be the vehicle and the catalyst for that.
So the words that I choose from this moment on are very important.
Words have power, and I'm not about to waste the potential of mine.