Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My job is to protect you

"Does someone want to tell the class why we enter secularity?" says the Instructor at the front of the room. I like this instructor. Her long golden hair flows below her shoulders. My hair isn't golden, but I hope that when I come back from Earth -- I can have hair like hers.

She smiles at me.

Another little soul raises their hand, "It's because the darkness will have a harder time capturing our light if we are separate." they say, and look unsure. We all feel that they think that is not the right answer, but a moment later our Instructor sends a message through our collective conscious to tell us that the little soul is correct.

The little soul gives a big smile.

"That is correct," says our Instructor and waives her hand in front of a screen. A moment later a diagram appears. It shows us how the darkness is attracted to our light, and so, in an effort to combat it -- we must go down to Earth secular; not connected like we are up here.

Being secular is why Earth is so challenging.

"What's it like on Earth?" Another little soul pipes up and interrupts our Instructor.

Our Instructor turns and smiles. She can sense how curious we all are from the collective conscious. She tells us to gather around her, and so we all leave our desks and convene around her knees as she begins to tell us a story.

I make sure that I am sitting right in front of her so I can see her face as she speaks. Some of the other little souls are off to the side because they like to rub their cheeks against her wings while she talks.

"Well," she says once we are all settled, "Earth is very beautiful. It's a rock and water planet -- so not like here," she starts.

We've been in this special classroom for a while. We're nearing the end of our training before we depart. This Instructor will be going back down to Earth soon, just before us, so she can watch over us while we are down there. There's only a few of us here -- and we are all going down together. We have different assignments, but we will be placed within the same region of Earth so that our Instructor can check in on us while we are down there.

"...and that is why it is very important for you to remember your missions if I am to see you on Earth." she says and claps her hands, which means we all must return to our seats.

I walk back to my seat slowly. This classroom doesn't have clear ceilings, so I can't see the celestial lights.

It is very important that we pay attention.

When I get back to my seat, I think about what our Instructor just told us, and so I raise my hand. I don't want to interrupt like the other little soul.

"Yes," she says and gives me a big smile.

Some of the other little souls start to fidget. They can sense my question before I speak it, and it makes them feel uncomfortable.

"Is it scary when the darkness comes after you?" I say. We've been learning Earthly emotions, and lately I've been very curious about 'fear'.

The Instructor senses that we are all very uncomfortable, and so, she gives us a very big smile before speaking.

"When you are in human form; the darkness will approach you in different ways -- depending on your mission. And yes, it can be very very scary. But remember; Earth is not real. This is real. This is your home. And, although the darkness wants to hurt you and trap you; please remember that if you stay true to the light in your heart, you will always return. The scary parts are only a few moments. This is your eternity."

Some of us feel more better. I nod, because I think I understand. And I know that if I do get trapped in the darkness, I know that another little soul will come down to rescue me just like we are coming down to rescue them -- our brethren.

"Deandra," another little soul begins, "will we be scared if we see you on Earth?"

Before our Instructor can answer, a different little soul pipes in, "Yes. You are there to protect us -- so if we see you, it means that the darkness is near?"

We all become fidgety. I don't want to be scared when I see Deandra. If I see her...

"You won't remember who I am," she says with a big smile. And, just in case some of us are still unsure she continues, "remember, my job is to protect you. So, if I am there -- nothing bad will happen to you. I will fight the darkness for you. Alright?"

We all smile.

And a moment later she continues with our lesson.