Monday, May 10, 2010


"Secularity is important in what aspect when it comes to internal will and strength?" says our Instructor as he dictates to us the final question on our exam.

I sit at my desk and think about the possibilities.

The Little Souls around me begin to write their answers; and although we all know what each of us is answering, we have the free will to answer on our own.

Like how our experience on Earth will be.

Free will...

"Can you please repeat the question?" I ask the Instructor, who looks at me with grave seriousness to make sure that I am not stalling. I open my heart towards him with sincerity, and so, he realizes that I am merely trying to process the question; so I can answer my best.

"Secularity is important in what aspect when it comes to internal will and strength?" he says more slowly.

I look around at all the other Little Souls who are busy writing their answers. I want to make sure that I don't just answer the question -- I want to make sure that I really understand it enough to answer.

This question is hard.

I look up above towards the celestial lights and try to gain inspiration from them. But I can't...

What aspect?

Internal will and strength doesn't come from me, it comes from the energy that pours out of the Great Being and through each of our hearts.

So why is Secularity important then?

Maybe what the Instructor means is why is it important on Earth? Another Little Soul nods when I think that. They tell me through our collective conscious that they are answering the question that way.

This is a really hard question, because we won't know what it feels like to be secular until we are in our Earthly bodies.

This question is so difficult...

What is secular in our Earthly bodies?

1. Our Mind
2. Our Will
3. Our Emotions

If those three things are secular then...

What aspect of them is important when it comes to internal will and strength?

We know that Internal will and strength comes from The Great Being and it's energy source...

Our Mind, Will, and Emotions are secular on Earth...

If our experience on Earth is secular, but the energy source for that experience comes from The Great Being -- then, the aspect would have to be beyond the internal; or beyond the capacity of our mind, will, and emotions.

I think of two words and write them down, even though I'm not exactly sure if I am right. This is a very difficult question. All the other Little Souls nod; they too had a hard time answering.

I put my pencil down after I've written two words that I think come out of our mind, will, and emotions -- but tap into the energy of the Great Beings' will and strength. Will and strength that we can feel in a secular experience, although it's not really secular.

I look at my two words and shrug my shoulders. I don't know if I'm right, but I think that they are a really good guess.

A Little Soul beside me leans over to read the two words, then looks at me and smiles.

"I like that," he says to me, as some of the others nod in agreement.

The Instructor tells us that we are allowed to change our answers, if we feel that someone else has answered better; and so, one by one, the other Little Souls change their answers and start to write the two words that I have written on my paper.

I look down at my two words because they are an aspect of secular, but not really. They come from our mind, will, and emotion (our secular experience on Earth) and can tap into our internal will and strength, which feels secular in our Earthly bodies, but really isn't.

So, I'm pretty sure that Faith and Belief are important secular aspects that help us tap into our energy that comes from The Great Being and feels like internal will and strength.

But to be honest, I'm really just guessing. I hope our Instructor goes over the answers after the exam, because I would really like to know the answer to this one question in particular.

It could help me when I'm down there.