Tick Tock! Make it stop! There's a party on the block!
I'm not exactly sure if those are the words but I don't care. This is the perfect song to get me revved for my first day on the lot. The 134 just opened up and now, like Lauren Conrad feeling the rain on my skin -- wait, that doesn't work.
And now...like Lauren Conrad I'm drenched in words unspoken as I cruise down the highway and...
"Sorry!" I yell to the person behind me. I make sure I raise my chin high enough so they can see my face in the rear view mirror and know that I wasn't intentionally trying to kill them. I waive one arm up apologetically. I'm not sure if that means the same thing as it does back home -- but in any case, I've done my best to make amends as I circle down the off-ramp and head towards the studio.
Tick Tock! Make it stop! There's a party on this block!
I love this song!
I turn the music down as I approach the gate. A woman security guard comes towards the car. Funny - I've played this scene out a million times in my mind. She was always a fat friendly man who actually stayed in his security box instead of approaching the car.
"Name?" she says matter-of-fact.
I tell her. Then confirm who I'm there to see. She hands me a map of the studio and points me in the direction of the parking lot closest to the place where I have to be.
And that's it.
There's no can can of burlesque dancers welcoming me into to the gate. And if it wasn't for the fact that I didn't turn the volume all the way down -- there would actually be no music accompanying me on this very big moment in my life.
It's rather anti-climactic.
No wonder we all go running to the theatres...
I turn the radio back up -- the song is still playing but I fear it's on its last verse and so I want to milk this moment for all that I can. I want to emblazon a theme song over the pictures my memory is recording as I drive through the lot.
Tick Tock! Make it stop! There's a party on the block!